The first two farms were kept on a basal diet to monitor pathogens. Certillus was implemented on Farm C which was struggling with S. suis.
“Then we went back and sampled again to see how those levels would decrease after being on product,” she explained. “What we found was that the pathogen load did decrease after being implemented with our Certillus product.”
Value to producers
“This could really help the sow - cleaning her up - and then clean up her piglets as well,” she said. “We only implemented the Certillus into the sow diet, but we actually saw decreases in S. suis levels within the nursery as well.”
The study also considered if Certillus could stop the transfer of pathogens from sow to piglet.
“One of the things that we found was that we can [stop the sow-piglet transfer of pathogens], and we can reduce that pathogenicity going into the nursery as well,” said Hernandez. “When we looked at the microbiota of the sows themselves, we saw shifts in the microbiota, not only rectally where the product goes through the system, but we also saw a shift in the microbiota of the vagina as well.”
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