By Meaghan Anderson
Most herbicide applications have ceased for the year, but it is not too late to evaluate how well the program worked and what changes might be necessary for next year. Rather than just falling back on old habits, analyze your program closely to look for improvements for future years.
Surviving weeds from this year will affect weed pressure in next year’s crops. Identifying this season’s management successes and failures will make weed management and herbicide purchase decisions easier this winter.
July is not a comfortable time to walk corn fields, but it is easy to check for weed survivors while scouting for disease or insect problems. Scanning above the soybean canopy for weeds is a much simpler task. Waterhemp and other weeds may continue to emerge above the soybean canopy into August and September.
Identify weeds correctly
When evaluating weed control, the first step is to properly identify the escapes. If you cannot identify the weed using resources you have, please contact another resource like a local Iowa State University Extension & Outreach field agronomist.

Try to determine why the weed survived your management program. Weeds can survive herbicides by avoiding exposure to the herbicide:
- weeds may avoid preemergence herbicides by emerging after the herbicide has degraded to non-toxic concentrations due to low application rate, early application, or excessive rainfall following application,
- weeds may avoid postermergence herbicides by germinating after postemergence applications.
Weeds that are exposed to the herbicide can survive a herbicide application for any number of reasons, and determining why it is important to avoid repeat problems. The main factors influencing the activity of preemergence herbicides are soil type and rainfall. Was the application rate appropriate for the soil type, or was rainfall adequate to activate the herbicide and make it available in the weed seed germination zone?
Postemergence herbicides are influenced by many factors, including weed size, environmental conditions, spray additives, and spray coverage. Spraying weeds that exceed the maximum size specified on the herbicide label is probably the number one cause of postemergence herbicide failures.
Finally, weeds may survive due to the presence of herbicide resistance within the field. When resistance is just beginning to evolve within a field, escapes are usually found in discrete patches, and it is often possible to find surviving plants immediately adjacent to dead individuals of the same species.
The final step is to use this information to make decisions for next year. Surviving weeds may warrant a change in product or herbicide site of action, increased herbicide application rates, or use of a more innovative approach, like a layered residual program.
Is it too late for waterhemp this year?