Both days start with a complimentary breakfast at 8 a.m. General and concurrent sessions begin at 9 a.m. The keynote speakers for the general sessions will take place in the World War II Memorial Building. Concurrent sessions will be in the Memorial Building’s basement, the Armory Room and the Historical Room and Meeting Room in the adjoining Ramsey County Courthouse.
Keynote topics on Wednesday, Jan. 3 are:
- Resilience: Overcoming adversity
- Crop consultant panel
- Crop market outlook
Wednesday concurrent session topics are:
- Small grain variety update
- Soil sampling and compaction
- Canola flea beetle
- Farmland and machinery update
- Weed identification and control
- Tips for growing a great lawn
- Implants for beef cattle
Wednesday roundtable discussion topics:
- Resistant weed challenges
- Canola production
- Cattle production concerns
- Soil health
- Horticulture
Keynote topics on Thursday, Jan. 4 are:
- Peeking behind the curtain: Your farm in 2034
- Weather 2024: More extremes or back to “normal”
Thursday concurrent session topics are:
- Sprayers and spraying conditions
- When does water matter the most?
- Ag-energy outlook
- What is an estate plan?
- H2A labor constant
- Farm succession planning
- Grain storage tips
- Dry bean and soybean production
In addition to the sessions, more than 50 booth exhibitors will be set up in the Memorial Building.
Attending Lake Region Extension Roundup is free of charge. No registration is necessary.
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