The schools will begin at 7:30 a.m. local time. The morning session addresses fencing types and costs, construction basics, electric fencing, innovations in technologies and an overview of Kentucky fence laws.
The afternoon session is a hands-on fence-building session where participants put their knowledge and skills to work. The demonstration includes:
- Safety, layout and a post-driving demonstration
- H-brace construction
- Knot tying, splices and insulator installation
- Installing Stay-Tuff fixed-knot fencing
- Installing high-electrified tensile fencing
Events at both locations conclude with questions and a survey at 4:30 p.m. Participants should pre-register at least one week prior to the event. Advance registration is $35 per person and includes a notebook, refreshments and a catered lunch. Participants are encouraged to bring safety glasses and hearing protection.
Use the following to register:
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