Keeping Ontario Clean and Beautiful

Mar 08, 2019
Government Invites Public Input on Reducing Litter and Waste
Ontario's government is working for the people to keep our province clean and beautiful for generations to come by taking steps to reduce litter and waste in our communities and increase and improve household recycling, as committed to in our environment plan.
The province is inviting public feedback on proposals to reduce plastic litter and waste in our neighbourhoods and parks, divert and reduce food and organic waste from households and businesses, and increase opportunities for the people of Ontario to participate in waste reduction efforts. A discussion paper has been posted on the Environment Registry for a 45-day period.
Rod Phillips Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, addressed the Ontario Waste Management Association (OWMA) Annual General Meeting, outlining the release of the paper and highlighting the importance of ongoing collaboration and consultation with municipalities to ensure our waste reduction and diversion goals are achieved.
"We know that Ontarians want to do their part to reduce litter and waste, whether at home, at work or on the go," said Phillips. "There are so many great ideas out there in the province that we want to build on to reduce waste, divert more of it away from landfills and get our diversion rate moving in the right direction again."
Ontario is also committed to making producers responsible for the waste generated by their products and packaging, encouraging them to find new and innovative cost-effective ways to recycle their products and lower costs for consumers. The transition to extended producer responsibility will increase the amount of household material recycled, while shifting the cost of recycling from municipalities - and taxpayers - to producers.
"Litter-reduction efforts will hinge on fostering a greater sense of personal responsibility for the people of Ontario and, in particular, our youth," said Phillips. "It begins with recognizing that real environmentalism involves more than just the social media of activists and celebrities but is instead founded on the personal decisions each of us make in our day-to-day lives."
By making a concerted effort to show civic responsibility through our commitment to reduce waste and litter, we can all make a lasting difference in ensuring Ontario's environment is protected for generations to come.  This is the latest step in part of the government's made-in-Ontario environment plan to protect our air, land and water, prevent and reduce litter and waste, support Ontarians to continue to do their share to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and help communities and families increase their resilience to climate change. The plan will help protect the Ontario we know and love, ensuring that its pristine beauties and strong communities can be enjoyed now and in the future. 
Source : Ontario.Ca
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