The Foothills Auctioneers weekly cattle sale won't be as well attended as usual when it gets back to business following the Easter long weekend.
Owner, Rob Bergevin, says they'll be holding their weekly auction again Friday, April 17, with a few changes to stay within the "new normal."
"As an essential service we are able to continue to conduct weekly cattle sales and thank goodness for that. Providing that service for our farmers and ranchers and our clientele, with the ability to continue to provide those resources to the food chain."
Bergevin says they need to follow protocols around social distancing and public gatherings, but are well prepared for it, thanks to modern technology.
"A lot of new services put into place, including online viewing, so our clients or potential buyers can view the sale or watch the auction live in the Internet by going to and click on there and they can view the sale right from the comfort of their own home."
Bergevin says it's important they continue to operate during the pandemic as they're a vital link in the supply chain.