K-State Corn Production Management Schools Scheduled For January

Nov 23, 2015

By Ignacio Ciampitti, K-State Crop Production and Cropping Systems Specialist
Three K-State Corn Production Management Schools will be offered in early January 2016 in southeast, southwest, and central Kansas. Each school will provide in-depth training targeted for corn producers. Primary sponsors of the schools include the Kansas Corn Commission and DuPont Pioneer.
The one-day schools will cover several current corn topics relevant to corn producers in Kansas: drought-tolerant hybrids, high-yielding corn factors, weed control, soil fertility, and price and market perspectives.
The schools will begin at 9 a.m. and adjourn at 3 p.m., including a tour of facilities or a keynote speaker. The dates and locations are:
Jan. 11: Independence: Civic Center. N Penn Ave & W Locust St
Local Research and Extension office contacts:
- Jeri Geren, Montgomery County- Wildcat District, jlsigle@ksu.edu 620-331-2690

- Josh Coltrain, Crawford County- Wildcat District, jcoltrain@ksu.edu 620-724-8233

- Keith Martin, Labette County- Wildcat District, rkmartin@ksu.edu 620-784-5337
- Dale Helwig, Cherokee County, dhelwig@ksu.edu 620-429-3849

- Chris Petty, Bourbon County- Southwind District, cgp@ksu.edu 620-223-3720
Jan. 14: Garden City: Clarion Inn, 1911 E Kansas Ave
Local Research and Extension office contacts:
- Katelyn Barthol, Finney County, kbarth25@ksu.edu, 620-272-3670
- Andrea Burns, Ford County, aburns@ksu.edu, 620-227-4542
- Kurt Werth, Grey County, kwerth@ksu.edu, 620-855-3821
- Lacey Noterman, Haskell County, lnote@ksu.edu, 620-675-2261
- Bill Haney, Kearny County, haney@ksu.edu, 620-355-6551
- John Beckman, Scott County, jbeckman@ksu.edu, 620-872-2930
Jan. 15: Salina: Great Plains, 1525 E North St
Local Research and Extension office contacts:
- Tom Maxwell, Central Kansas District, tmaxwell@ksu.edu 785-309-5850
- Jonie James, McPherson County, jjames@ksu.edu 620-241-1523
- James Coover, Dickinson County, jcoover@ksu.edu 785-263-2001
- Michelle Buchanan, Midway District, mbuchanan@ksu.edu 785-472-4442
- Kim Larson, River Valley District, kclarson@ksu.edu 785-243-8185
Lunch will be provided courtesy of the sponsors. There is no cost to attend, but participants are asked to pre-register before Jan. 8.
Online registration is available at K-State Corn Schools: http://bit.ly/KSCORNSchools
You can also preregister by emailing or calling the nearest local Research and Extension office for the location you plan to attend.

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