Lancaster said that if there is too much moisture in the field, the cornstalks will turn black on the ends and the cattle will appear more hungry.
“Cattle that are hungry will be reaching through the fence,” Lancaster said.
Eventually, they will lose a body condition score, but Lancaster said that typically will take 1-2 months before it is noticeable to the producer.
To keep that from happening, Lancaster said the cattle need to be supplemented with protein when they are first turned out to graze the cornstalks. As the amount of corn residue declines, the herd may need additional supplementation.
“If the cornstalks are deteriorating, my next step is to start supplementing the cattle with hay,” Lancaster said. “The key is to move the hay to different locations in the field by either rolling out the bales or moving where the bale is placed to keep the cattle from creating a spot that will have a lower yield because the ground is compacted.”
He also urged producers to watch the amount of moisture the field is absorbing.
“If the cattle are sinking in 2-4 inches into the ground then producers should move the cattle to a dry lot,” Lancaster said.
For those who are feeding supplemental hay, K-State veterinarian Bob Larson said it is important to know the quality of the hay they are offering the cattle.
“There is a lot of variation in hay quality so it is important to assess the quality of the hay as a feed resource,” Larson said. “Hay that is harvested late in the season will not be as high in quality as hay that is cut earlier in the summer.”
He said if the hay fed to the herd was grown by the producer, they would likely have a good idea about the hay quality. But if the hay is purchased, it might be beneficial to conduct a forage test before feeding it to the herd.
Lancaster agreed with the forage test recommendation. He also said cattle will consume hay until they are full whether or not the hay is high quality, so it is important to take a look at the manure as well.
“If a producer notices manure piles that are dry and piled high, that is an indication that the cattle may not be getting enough nutrients from the hay and more protein should be added to the diet to help them better digest that hay,” Lancaster said.
To hear the full discussion, listen to the Cattle Chat podcast online or through your preferred streaming platform.
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