Iowa State’s calculated cost of production for hogs marketed in May was $64.78/cwt (liveweight) or $86.38/cwt (carcass weight). May’s cost of production was lower for the 13th consecutive month. The reason for the decline in cost of production is falling feed costs. Corn prices started 2023 above $7 per bushel and ended the year under $5 per bushel. This year Omaha corn has been averaging close to $4.50 per bushel. Corn futures contracts are trading under $5 per bushel through December 2027.
Sow slaughter has increased this year. Thus far in 2024 sow slaughter is up 3% while barrow and gilt slaughter is up less than 1%. Increased sow slaughter would imply fewer litters farrowed; provided, of course, gilt retention doesn’t increase.
It is likely USDA’s June report will make some small upward revisions to the March hog survey estimates. Hog slaughter during March-May was up 0.33%. The market hog inventory on March 1 implied spring hog slaughter would be up 0.13%. That is an extremely small miss. Since the first of June, hog slaughter has been up 2.3%. The March Hogs and Pigs Report indicated slaughter would be up 1.5%. This is not a big miss but is enough to justify some small revisions. Plain
As it does most years, the peak in 2023 hog prices occurred during the summer. The negotiated base carcass price for market hogs reached $106/cwt during late July 2023. This year hog prices are yet to reach $100/cwt. Last week negotiated hog carcass prices averaged a bit under $90/cwt, roughly the same as a year ago. The futures market is expecting hog prices to trend lower for the rest of the year.
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