By Eric Jones
The cutoff date to apply dicamba (Engenia, Tavium, Xtendimax) postemergence in dicamba-tolerant soybeans planted in South Dakota is June 20. Plan accordingly to apply dicamba before June 20. Consider applying dicamba early postemergence if soybean are being planted later in the season. Since dicamba does not have grass activity, an effective herbicide (for example, glyphosate “Roundup”) should be co-applied to control grass weeds. Avoid tank-mixing grass-killing herbicides (for example, Assure, Poast, or Select) with dicamba, as reduced control on grass weeds can occur. Otherwise, plan on making a sequential herbicide application to control grasses and other later emerging weeds. Again, the cutoff date to apply dicamba postemergence in dicamba-tolerant soybeans is June 20 in South Dakota! Remember to be mindful when spraying dicamba: be aware of surrounding susceptible plants, use coarse droplets, and spray under favorable wind and temperature conditions.