July was quite an eventful month for our meat industry. Pork was the star, but beef? Well, it had its ups and downs.
Let’s talk about numbers. Data from the bigwigs, USDA and USMEF, paints an exciting picture for pork. July exports rose by 5%, touching 219,014 metric tons. And the cherry on top - The value increased by 1%, hitting $628.7 million. Major applause to our friends in Mexico, Central America, and Canada, who were the star consumers. If we look at the January-July period, we've already beaten last year's numbers by 13% in pork exports.
Beef, on the other hand, had a tough time in July. Exports dropped by a significant 18%, making it the weakest month in half a year. This slump amounted to 103,167 metric tons with a value of just over $810 million. The decline in pork exports is due to lower demand from key Asian markets. Even in the darkest of times, there is always hope. Places like Taiwan and Mexico have kept the flame alive for US beef.
And a quick word on lamb. After a couple of slow months, it made a comeback in July, rising by 22% from last year. Great news for lamb lovers!