“There is no evidence the Department gave any consideration to the significance of the potential impact the facilities, each containing upwards of 300,000 chickens, may have on the public environment or the peace and enjoyment of property owned by contiguous landowners,” the judge wrote.
Participants expect an appeal of the partial summary judgment, but if it holds, the ruling would upend past official interpretations of the Oklahoma Poultry Feeding Operations Act.
Agriculture Department officials declined to comment, citing policy regarding ongoing litigation.
Environmental Law Group attorney Matthew Alison said, “It’s a win. It’s absolutely a win.”
He said the judge’s determination that the Ag Department is responsible for thorough environmental review breaks new ground and should be a relief for Spring Creek residents and others statewide.
He said the “buck-passing” of environmental concerns from agriculture to the Department of Environmental Quality to the Oklahoma Water Resources Board is a large part of what led the frustrated landowners to file suit.
“Over the last six, seven years, the Ag Department said, ‘We don’t have jurisdiction over those issues, so we’re not doing it.’ Now we know they didn’t do it, but they were required to.”
Alison said he expects an appeal and more months in the courts.
“For as much as we are pleased and relieved and grateful for the judge taking the time to consider this order and render it, we’re also cognizant that it’s been six or seven years without any administrative oversight of these issues, which have been important since day one.”
Spring Creek Coalition President Bill Chambers said the group first sought a lawyer in 2019 after months of frustration and buck-passing between agencies. The group obtained grants to continue scientific water sampling in the creek, which shows increasing degradation and growing phosphorous concentrations.
“We’re not against farming or poultry production; we just ask it to be done with consideration for the environment, especially in a fragile ecosystem,” Chambers said.
Alison said the second big win was the judge’s order telling the parties to come together on a public notice and a protest process for the court’s review.
“I’m sure we can squabble and quibble about where and how that will happen, but the big takeaway, to me, is he said it has to happen,” Alison said.
The judge also agreed that the state’s classification of the large poultry houses as Poultry Feeding Operations has been in error. The state has argued that solid-waste management systems require less oversight than liquid-based operations at Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs), like hog confinements, where a sewage lagoon is involved.
Federal law requires states to issue public notice and perform closer environmental oversight on CAFO operations, but Oklahoma’s Poultry Feeding Act allowed another classification, the Poultry Feeding Operation.
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