The John Deere L341R can form up to 1,200-pound, densely packed 3x4 straw bales.
For example, the L341R can form up to 1,200-pound, densely packed 3x4 straw bales. Previously, the same-sized bale weighed up to 925 pounds. Across a 160-acre field, with straw yielding 2-tons per acre, a farmer could get by with four fewer trailers to transport the bales. In this scenario, hauling bales 200 miles at $4.80 per mile can save $3,840, or $960 per trailer load. "The time farmers will need to retrieve the bales from the field will be less. Since there are fewer bales to pick up and move, and less traffic in the field, potential crop regrowth can increase," Milem said.
John Deere is also making new Bale Documentation technology available on its large square balers to support greater agronomic and resource management. Using Bale Doc, farmers can track bale weight and moisture, and flow that data into the John Deere Operations Center for analysis and permanent record keeping.
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