John Deere News

Mobile Data Transfer is a USB to WiFi device that plugs into the display and transfers data quickly and conveniently using your smartphone.
John Deere is adding more tools to its Operations Center within MyJohnDeere and making it easy to wirelessly transfer data from older John Deere equipment and non-John Deere displays to the Operations Center with Mobile Data Transfer.
Mobile Data Transfer enables customers to wirelessly transfer agronomic data to and from non-John Deere displays and from John Deere's GreenStar™ 3 2630 display (in older John Deere equipment that is not JDLink™ compatible) to the Operations Center. It enables producers to consolidate data from multiple branded displays into one centralized location for their use or to be shared with trusted advisors.
"Mobile Data Transfer is the simple solution for customers who run older or mixed-fleet equipment and want immediate access of information stored in their displays. It eliminates the manual transfer of data," explains Jeff Nolting, John Deere Intelligent Solutions Group (ISG). "It's a USB to WiFi device that plugs into the display and transfers data using your smartphone via the Mobile Data Transfer app. Your phone sends the data to the Operations Center to give farm managers and trusted advisors immediate access."
There are multiple ways to get data into the Operations Center where it can be put to use. Mobile Data Transfer works with a variety of in-cab displays and mobile devices to facilitate the transfer of information. If you are running older John Deere equipment and have not yet moved to a JDLink Connect enabled machine, Mobile Data Transfer is a great way to get started.
Operations Center: MyJobs App
The Operations Center is where you'll access the tools to start your planning with the MyJobs app. These tools allow a manager to define a job that needs to be done, and it includes all of the specifics of that job. "Add Jobs" automatically syncs up with the "My Jobs" app on mobile devices of operators and other employees. They receive a detailed jobs order in real time versus spending hours on the telephone or managing "to do" lists that can be lost or misplaced.