He is known world-wide for his research on pollen-mediated gene flow from herbicide resistant crops and weeds. His research focuses on weed biology, pollen-mediated gene flow, and management of herbicide-resistant weeds and crop volunteers. He has been invited by Weed Science Society of America to write synthesis review papers on these topics of his expertise.
“Amit has developed an outstanding weed science research and extension program. He successfully translates research projects into extension programs and address real world problems faced by growers in Nebraska and beyond,” said Robert (Bob) Klein, emeritus professor and Nebraska Extension crops specialist at West Central Research Extension and Education Center in North Platte.
Jhala is committed to mentoring students, graduating eight master’s and five doctoral students so far at the UNL.
Jhala has published papers in high impact journals such as Nature Scientific Reports, The Plant Journal, Crop Science, Heredity, Weed Science, Pest Management Science, Weed Technology. Publication credits include 12 book chapters and 155 papers published in peer-reviewed journals, and 165 Extension articles.
He has received numerous prestigious awards including Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) Outstanding Early Career Weed Scientist Award, WSSA Outstanding Reviewer Award, North Central Weed Science Society (NCWSS) Distinguished Achievement Outstanding Young Weed Scientist Award, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Superior Paper Award, Canadian Journal of Plant Science Outstanding Associate Editor Award, Gamma Sigma Delta Award of Merit in Extension, Nebraska Cooperative Extension Association Award of Excellence in Individual Extension Program, and Epsilon Sigma Phi Outstanding Early Career Extension Leadership Award.
GAMMA SIGMA DELTA is a faculty governed society that selects its members from junior and senior students, graduate students, faculty, and alumni for the promotion and recognition of high achievement. While Gamma Sigma Delta is an honor society of agriculture, it may elect members from related fields such as biology, botany, chemistry, economics, entomology, family and consumer sciences, forestry, natural resources, plant pathology, sociology, statistics, veterinary medicine, or zoology when the work of the individual is related to agriculture. Officers, committee chairpersons, and others leading the chapter are faculty or alumni.
Source : unl.edu