Frey was elected as the president of 4-H Saskatchewan during the organization's annual general meeting in March. His initial months in the role were interrupted by summer, which is typically a quieter time for the provincial board. But they just had a big in-person gathering, and there are some announcements coming that will be revealed to the public.
"We're looking to really focus on our members and leaders over the next few years, to make sure that they're well supported, and to try to make it easier on our volunteers and make it more fun for our members," said Frey.
An annual general meeting might sound boring to a lot of people, but Frey said the 4-H gathering is geared towards the members and the kids have a lot of fun over a weekend.
The 43-year-old Frey said 4-H has been a passion of his for decades. It started when he joined a club when he was six. He remained until he aged out at 21. From there, he took a year off and returned to help out as a leader. Twelve years ago, he became a general leader of the Alameda club.