The average retail price of pork in October was $4.92 per pound. That was 3.4 cents lower than the month before and 12.3 cents lower than a year ago.
Despite a lot of red ink in 2023, pork production has continued to increase. 2023 pork production was up 1.1%, 2024 production is up 2.0% and 2025 is forecast to be up 1.9%. USDA has pegged 2024 51-52% lean hog average price at $61.05/cwt of liveweight, up $2.46 from last year. They are currently forecasting a $2 price decline for next year.
As is typical at this time of year, the lean hog futures contracts indicate hog prices will put in an early-winter low then rally to a summer high. What is not so common is that the nearby December, February and April hog contracts for 2024-25 are trading well above their deferred counterparts for 2025-26. Granted, the volume on the deferred hog contracts is extremely low.
It is tough to make valid year-ago comparisons on hog slaughter right now. Last year at this time Thanksgiving was four days behind us and this year it’s three days ahead of us. Last week’s hog slaughter was 15.5% higher than a year ago. This week’s slaughter is likely to be 16% lower than a year ago. Hog slaughter continues to lag well below the expected level. Not counting last week, the previous 11 weeks saw U.S. hog slaughter that was 0.04% higher than last year. The September Hogs and Pigs report indicated it would be up 4.07%.
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