Lundy-Woolfolk said attendees will learn tips and tricks for enhancing their grazing programs.
“In the morning, our hands-on learning includes a permanent and temporary fencing demonstration led by Gallagher, and a group activity on designing paddocks within your pasture, led by NRCS,” she said. “We’ve also planned classroom sessions on grazing leases and contracts, water quality and building a grazing calendar.”
Topics and confirmed speakers are:
- New Tools in Fencing – Brad Cochran, Gallagher
- Building your Paddocks – Jeff Matthias, Natural Resources Conservation Service
- Grazing Leases & Contracts – Kitt Tovar Jensen, ISU Center for Agricultural Law and Taxation
- Planning a Grazing Calendar – Beth Reynolds & Erika Lundy-Woolfolk, Iowa Beef Center
- Water Quality: Testing, Interpreting, and Impact on Performance
- Optional ISU farm tour
There is no cost to attend thanks to sponsors: Gallagher, Iowa Forage and Grassland Council, Theisen’s, Millborn Seeds, Iowa State Beef Checkoff Program, Practical Farmers of Iowa and Dairyland Laboratories, Inc.
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