Intrauterine vaccination to protect sows and their offspring from Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea offers a potential alternative to needles. The Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization has developed the first intrauterine vaccines to protect sows, gilts and their piglets from Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus. Over the next year researchers will be assessing various formulations to determine which are the most protective to the sow and what gets passed on to protect the piglets.
Dr. Heather Wilson, a research scientist with VIDO, notes when you administer a vaccine into the muscle with a needle, especially with livestock, you worry about needle breakage as well as stress to the animals.
Clip-Dr. Heather Wilson-Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization:
We've always been interested in using alternative routes of immunization to try to get away from simply doing needle-based vaccines to see if we can administer the vaccines to the mucosal sites where the disease actually manifests so we were looking at the uterus.