He also raised ongoing concern about red-tape regulations affecting local abattoirs and meat processors. “We need to continue to support that network (of processors) as part of the agricultural system,” he said.
More generally, Spoelstra expects to continue raising awareness about protecting farmland in 2024, even after the Ford government’s major retreat last year on greenbelt development and residential farm lot severances. “We continue to talk about land use, urban sprawl, and the unsustainable continued loss of farmland, that has been a major concern of ours the last number of years, and there’s still a lot of pressure on farmland right now.”
Pre-budget discussions include the idea of new “risk management-type programs” to mitigate “some of the threats of climate change” as well as the bottom-line risks of unexpected geopolitical events, he said. “Who’d have ever thought we’d see things like we’ve been seeing in Russia and Ukraine and all the challenges that created with the fertilizer market? So there’s a lot of things out of our control as farmers and we need to be able to manage those risks as effectively as we can to continue to operate our businesses here at home.”
As for the top issue arising from the climate change agenda in Canada — the federal carbon tax — Spoelstra confirmed that the OFA remains opposed to the imposition of the tax on farm fuels used to dry grain and heat barns. The organization was disappointed by the recent failure of Bill C-234, which would have offered some relief.
He sees agriculture and livestock as part of the planet’s current carbon and nitrogen cycles. Their emissions must be seen alongside the carbon captured by farm crops and soils, he said, a concept “not always popular when you talk to environmental groups … but that is the way this business has always operated and probably always will,” he said.
Back on his own farm, he looks forward to completing the installation of cow-milking robots this winter. Spoelstra and his wife, Heather, also raise Clydesdale horses.
Source : Farmersforum