Input Needed for Swine Health Information Center's 2024 Plan of Work

Oct 09, 2023

The Swine Health Information Center (SHIC) is seeking input for its 2024 Plan of Work from swine industry stakeholders. SHIC is looking for insight not only on topic areas and research priorities, but also identified industry needs in which SHIC should focus efforts, such as an emerging swine disease or an emerging swine health issue.

"SHIC’s Plan of Work helps guide activities for the coming year across five strategic areas, including improving swine health information, monitoring and mitigating risks to swine health, responding to emerging disease, surveillance and discovery of emerging disease, and swine disease matrices. Input across all five areas is welcomed and encouraged," SHIC said in a release.

The annual Plan of Work provides a roadmap while remaining flexible. This allows SHIC to be nimble and responsive to emerging issues of the swine industry as they occur in real-time, SHIC said.

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