Innovative Feral Hog Control Bait Developed by LSU Scientists

Aug 21, 2023

In a significant breakthrough following years of dedicated research into managing escalating feral hog populations, LSU AgCenter scientists in collaboration with the LSU Department of Chemistry have successfully developed a game-changing solution. This groundbreaking bait, now patented, offers a promising method to curb the explosion of feral hogs that have been causing substantial economic and environmental damage, says the release.

Sodium Nitrite-based Bait for Humane Feral Hog Control

This revolutionary bait leverages the power of sodium nitrite to effectively address the issue of feral swine, which have been responsible for causing millions of dollars' worth of destruction to agricultural fields and forestlands not only in Louisiana but across the nation, the release explains.

Shaped into conveniently-sized spheres similar to gummy bears and possessing a distinct fishy flavor, this bait is a testament to the collaborative efforts of the LSU AgCenter's animal scientist and director of the Bob R. Jones-Idlewild Research Station in Clinton, Glen Gentry; LSU chemistry professor John Pojman; and former graduate student Baylen Thompson, who worked under Pojman's guidance.

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