“By a relatively small investment in feeding our cattle kelp, we can reduce their emissions by 82 percent, it's a no-brainer,” he said.
The efforts are having results. An independent team out of Bloomington has been conducting soil tests on the property to complete a lifecycle analysis of the impacts.
“We've shown topsoil increases from three inches to as much as 16 inches through this rotation,” he said. “And when you think of topsoil, that's organic matter, that's carbon dioxide that was in the air that is now permanently stored in the ground.”
The Fischers have recently been in contact with the Antibiotic Resistance Action Center at George Washington University.
The group has been gathering information and data on Fischer’s efforts to lessen the use of antibiotics in their cattle.
Antibiotic Resistance Action Center representative Kathy Lawrence said Fischer Farms will be the first adopters in the nation of their Certified Responsible Antibiotic Use, or CRAU, Standard for beef.
“We created the CRAU standard to give producers an opportunity to change their antibiotic use practices to be more responsible and to use them less frequently, and also to have the legitimacy of a standard that was created and is owned by a nonprofit institution and that is certified by a government agency that does not have a profit motive,” she said.
Through this process verification, the farm will be checked twice a year by USDA auditors to ensure that everything measures up.
Lawrence said CRAU was developed in 2014 for poultry, and the process was adopted by Tyson a year later. Their goal is to raise the floor on antibiotic use in animal agriculture across the country.
“Right now, it's kind of the Wild West still in terms of the beef industry, because you've got basically conventional production with very little information, and very little accountability for how and when antibiotics are used,” she said.
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