It is fairly expected that we see an increase in those respiratory agents in the fall months but definitely there are things that we can do with regards to biosecurity and environmental conditions to help reduce the disease pressure specifically in that age group.
The other thing that we want to highlight with regards to the increase in specifically the wean to market age group is that historical data has shown us that, as we see an increase in the wean to market age group in the fall, typically that precedes an increase in the sow or breeding farm operations one to two months later.
So, we're sort of in that beginning stage period where we're seeing only an increase in wean to market and so we have an opportunity as an industry to focus on that age group and remember everything we can do with regards to biosecurity to prevent that increase in PRRS and other respiratory pathogens to spill over into the sow and breeding farms.
The full Swine Health Information Center domestic and global swine disease surveillance reports can be accessed at
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