Incentives for Farmers Work to Restore Iowa Habitat, Protect Soil

Sep 04, 2024


By Mark Moran

Practical Farmers of Iowa is looking for landowners who want to help restore natural habitat on their property, and get help doing it.

It's part of a larger effort to help farmers become more environmentally friendly.

PFI's Habitat Incentive program offers farmers a financial incentive to plant prairie strips on their land, for example.

PFI's Senior Habitat Viability Coordinator Grace Yi said those strips restore habitat for native species while at the same time reducing soil erosion.

"All of these practices are going to have multiple benefits," said Yi. "So they are going to be good for soil health, good for water-quality improvement, and also provide habitat for wildlife. "

In addition to the prairie strip portion of the Habitat Incentive Program, PFI is also making incentives available to do precision conservation analysis on their land - which helps farmers make use of unproductive acres.

Yi said the end goal of the program is different for most of the farmers who apply.

For some it might be reducing soil erosion and runoff into nearby waterways. For others it night be finding a productive way to use other acres.

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