C-Founder Katlin Lang said it was born out of a real-life problem: wanting to monitor the water supply while away from the farm.
“Farm Simple works with the use of hardware and software. Our hardware monitors the livestock water levels, temperatures, and pressure while the producers aren’t physically at the water source,” Lang said. “Then it’s going to send a text message alert if something goes wrong. They can also view all their data on their dashboard online.”
The Innovation Award went to Smart Paddock based in Victoria, Australia. Founder and CEO Darren said the solar-powered Bluebell GPS Smart Ear Tags will keep track of cattle.
“We track them around the property and give you alerts for downed animals, distressed animals, stray animals and we are now working on some more advanced features around reproduction. That’s heat detection and calving detection. We’re the first company to ever do something like this before,” Wolchyn said.
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