2 Production Management

Fertilization is the primary management tool used to boost hay production. The chart above illustrates the level of nutrients removed from a 6-ton hay harvest season. When it comes to fertilization, “Nitrogen is the gas that makes grass grow.” Nitrogen has the greatest impact on the growth and total yield of forages. The other three elements are still very important for the health and long-term productivity of a hay field.

During his presentation on Improving Pasture Efficiency at the 2015 Northwest Florida Beef Conference, Jose Dubeux shared the results of some research on the effects of both nitrogen and potassium fertilization of Bermudagrass in Georgia. In this study, 100 pounds of nitrogen doubled the Coastal Bermudagrass yield, but there were diminishing returns for nitrogen fertilization beyond that point. The potassium that research has shown is so important for health of the stand, had a much smaller effect on total forage yields.
Don’t forget to pull soil samples annually to make sure the pH of the field is in an acceptable range to get full use of the fertilizer that is applied, and that only the phosphorus, potassium and sulfur that are needed by the crop are applied. These nutrients are essential for stand health and maintenance, but will only enhance yields if they are deficient. The small investment in soil testing ensures the most efficient use of expensive fertilizers.
The other key area of production management is pest management. With lower cattle prices, it may be tempting to skimp on the costs for weed and armyworm control, but these pests rob hay fields of both yield and quality. Weeds steal water and nutrients, and armyworms consume the most nutritious parts of the plant – the leaves. The way to control pests more efficiently is to scout hay fields more frequently and control them when they’re small and easier to control with cheaper chemicals.
3 Harvest Management

No matter which forage variety you choose to harvest for hay, or the level of nitrogen fertilization utilized, maturity has the greatest effect on the digestibility and ultimately the level of energy available to livestock. At six weeks of growth or re-growth, Coastal Bermudagrass has a 3% higher protein concentration and is 10% more digestible than at eight weeks re-growth. While that may not sound like that big of a difference, the cost of purchasing supplemental feeds can add up quickly.

The data in the chart above, with an assumed $200/ton supplemental feed, shows a significant difference in hay quality based solely on when it was harvested. The 6-week old bermudagrass grass was high enough in quality that only 3.5 pounds of daily supplemental feed would be needed to maintain a cow nursing a calf during peak lactation. The 8-week old grass would require 6.5 lbs./day/head of supplement. The three pound/head difference may not sound like a big deal, but when you do the math for a 100 head herd being fed for 120 days it equals an additional 18 tons of feed, which in this example, is an added $3600 expense. The only difference in how it was managed was how mature the hay was when it was harvested. True the older grass would produce higher yields, so it is somewhat of a balancing act to harvest immature hay that is old enough for adequate yield. As a general rule, 5-6 week old hay provides a good balance for both. Certainly, rainfall plays a major factor on the timing of harvest, but in general the goal should be to harvest before the grass becomes rank with seed heads and much lower digestibility. Harvesting more frequently will increase harvest costs, but it will also spread your risk from losses due to unexpected rainfall and armyworms.
There are other factors in addition to maturity that affect forage quality, so it is important to send in forage samples for lab analysis before developing your winter supplementation plan. While your at it, enter that quality hay you have produced in the Southeast Hay Contest, so you can get the forage analysis you need and potentially earn some bragging rights as one of the best hay producers in the region.
4 Storage Options

The final challenge is protecting this valuable resource you worked so hard to produce. You can do everything right: best forage variety, fertilizer, weed control, and harvest date, and still be inefficient, if hay is left outside in the weather for 6-9 months. As the chart above indicates, hay stored on the ground, and out in the elements deteriorates by 28%. Put another way, you could get by producing almost 25% less hay each year, if you store it under a barn.
There are other tricks to the art of hay making that can also improve efficiency, such as the type of equipment used, managing the moisture content, and weather forecasting abilities. If you make the effort and investment in a productive forage variety, fertilize it well, keep the weeds and pest to a minimum, harvest before maturity, and protect it during storage, you can produce a consistent, quality feed for your herd year after year. The management techniques described in this article are not the cheapest methods to produce hay, but if you compare the digestible nutrients produced to the investment made, it will be more efficient.