ICGA Releases Top State and Federal Policy Priorities for 2023

Jan 10, 2023

The Iowa Corn Growers Association (ICGA), one of the country's most effective, longest-standing agricultural associations, released today its final list of state and federal policy priorities for the upcoming year. 

“Each year, ICGA members set a list of legislative priorities on both the state and federal levels by completing a policy survey, discussing at roundtables, and adopting policy at the Grassroots Summit,” said ICGA President Denny Friest, a farmer from Radcliffe, Iowa. “We value our farmer members, which is why it’s very important for them to engage in our grassroots efforts to voice their opinion on different issues and direct ICGA on policy priorities.”  

2023 ICGA Priorities – State (Alphabetical)

  • Conservation/Water Quality – Maintain legislative funding stream for Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy, including Maximum Return to Nitrogen

  • Ethanol – Obtain and increase funding for infrastructure cost-share program (Renewable Fuels Infrastructure Program)

  • Ethanol – Promote ethanol as a carbon reduction solution

  • Livestock – Support existing regulatory framework for the livestock industry

  • Taxes – Protect critical tax credits (Section 179 and biofuels)

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