A geared fence reel can save time when stringing fence and reduce repetitive stress on your shoulder. You also can use it to run polywire off the back of your side-by-side for larger installations.
Purchase a larger solar charger than you think you’ll need.
A good fault finder is worth the extra expense.

- Electric gate handle
- Fiberglass posts
- Drilled fiberglass corner posts for corners and ends of gates
- Double foot tread-in fence posts
- Metal T-post for charger (optional)
- Insulated wire
- Turbo wire or polywire
- Geared fence reel
- Grounding rod
- Solar charger with battery pack
- Fence charger alligator clips
- Fault finder
- Survey flagging tape
- Connect a gate handle to the end of your polywire wound on a geared fence reel.
- Attach the gate handle to a permanent fence or t-post using an insulated wire at desired wire height for the paddock.
- Place a drilled fiberglass corner post on the other end of the gate.
- Wrap the polywire through drilled hole at the desired height for the wire and then around the top of the corner post.
- Drive another corner post into the ground at the next corner of the paddock, repeating the tie process.
Tip: Paul uses a polywire height of 36 inches for cows and 33 inches for stockers
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