Aldo Leopold once wrote, “The central thesis of game management is this: game can be restored by the creative use of the same tools which have heretofore destroyed it: axe, plow, cow, fire and gun. Management is their purposeful and continuing alignment.”
Pokay says the same principle applies to soil health. Over time, the health of rangeland soils across the country has been depleted by the repeated, manmade disruptions of plowing, overgrazing, allowing brush encroachment and more. But on the flipside, the intentional and judicious use of disruptions such as grazing livestock, mechanical means and fire can restore rangeland to its former glory.

Planting cover crops with a no-till drill can provide the right amount of soil disturbance to stimulate new growth, without exposing the soil in the way traditional tillage can.
On the ranches Pokay manages, he places heightened emphasis on stocking rate and adaptive grazing. This requires careful evaluation of the land and livestock on a frequent basis to determine the correct rate and necessary adjustments.
“If we picked a stock density in an acre-sized paddock and said, ‘We rotate cows every day in this size paddock at this stock density at this time of day,’ you've completely gone away from being adaptive in your grazing management, and you are being prescriptive,” he explains.
By alternating species of livestock and fluctuating stocking rates, then following grazing events with longer periods of rest for the forage, Pokay says he and his team are encouraging the microbiology of the soil to be more productive by challenging it to do more.
He first saw the value of this strategy managing yearling cattle several years ago. Adaptive grazing takes advantage of cattle as natural fertilizer spreaders by balancing their time on each part of the pasture, giving the soil an equal chance to replenish nutrients. And not only was the grazing distribution more even due to smaller pasture size, Pokay also was able to see the cattle more frequently to monitor their health and condition.
Grazing smaller paddocks at the right stocking rate can benefit livestock nutrition, too.
“If you turn a cow out in a thousand acres, she'd probably just walk around graze exactly what she wants to graze every day and lay in the shade the rest of the day,” Pokay says. “But if you ask her to work a little bit, she will reap the positive benefits of eating plants she normally wouldn't select for that have high nutritional value.”

Joe Pokay, Noble Research Institute general ranch manager, moves cattle for continued adaptive grazing at Coffey Ranch.
However, just like anything extreme, using too high a stocking rate for too long can have negative cascading effects on soil health. Pokay says many ranchers battle brush encroachment today due to overgrazing many years before. These invasive plants are using valuable nutrients in the soil that the more desirable plants need to thrive — eventually making it difficult for higher-quality plants to grow at all.
“We can’t graze down a 4-inch post oak,” he says. “At that point, we introduce mechanical brush removal to try to open up some more grazeable acres.”
By removing invasive species from an area, a rancher allows more opportunity for desirable plants to grow. This may mean another form of mechanical disruption should be implemented during such a transition — planting cover crops. Pokay says this keeps a living root in the ground and eventually leads to more resilient rangelands.
“That's an example of a positive compounding and cascading disruption, because we're introducing diversity into our pastures,” Pokay says. “That accomplishes several of the soil health principles. The more diversity, the more resilient the whole system is to extremes in weather.”
The last form of soil disruption Pokay subscribes to is fire. Prescribed fire clears dead vegetation while also putting nutrients back into the soil. After a prescribed fire, a pasture often comes back more productive than before.
“We have been managing against soil health for so long, and that's why all these woody species have taken over,” he says. “So, we have to do something to reset the system, and that's where fire can come in. We can use fire to clean up some dead woody species and open more grazeable acres to manage with our grazing animals.”
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