Will boron tank-mixed with fungicide help protect canola from heat blast?
There are two points here:
Can you tank-mix boron with fungicide? Generally yes, but check with the fungicide provider. They probably have not tested every boron product.
Does boron protect canola from heat blast? Boron deficiencies are not that common on the Prairies, but can occur in light soils with low organic matter, high pH (8+) and excess moisture. While most studies and site-years show no economic benefit to boron fertilizer, some fields may have a stack of risk factors this year. On the specific scenario of protecting canola flowers from heat blast, again the research is not supportive. Most site years show no economic benefit.
If trying boron, leave a few test strips. However, with a tank mix of fungicide and boron, it will be difficult to determine which product made the difference. It would require strips with no spray, just fungicide and just boron. Canola Encyclopedia on boron
How late is too late for nitrogen top dress?
Canola with higher yield potential could need more nitrogen. And excess moisture can increase nitrogen losses to the air or through leaching.
The ideal timing for nitrogen top dress in canola is before the five-leaf stage. That gets nitrogen into the root zone before peak uptake. Later applications could still help. AAFC research out of Indian Head, Saskatchewan, showed that nitrogen top dress as late as 5-10% flower can still provide a yield benefit.
A nitrogen top up could extend canola’s vegetative period and delay maturity, but probably not by much. We checked on this with Sally Vail with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Jeff Schoenau with the Univeristy of Saskatchewan and Mario Tenuta at the University of Manitoba. Based on research and in-field experience, each suggested minimal delay in canola maturity, even with a later-than-recommended top up.
How about sulphur? “I’m seeing patchy sulphur deficiency in fields in southern Saskatchewan that received four or more inches of rain in one shot earlier in season, especially sandy fields,” Schoenau says. “Late application of ammonium sulfate can be of benefit.” Tips to apply nitrogen and sulphur in season
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