They're looking at these questions from the whole plate and from the meal point of view and not in our commodity silos.We need to maybe expand our point of view a little bit and look at that plate as food producers.We're producing food for the meals that consumers around the world consume.
When we have that commodity point of view of being hog producers or wheat producers, there could be a tendency to say, "you know what, when we've delivered our grain to the elevator or our animals to the processing plant, our job is done."But, when we change our perspective and look at ourselves as, "no, we're producing food," then those questions become more important.
I think of it as shifting those questions from, they're far down the value chain and someone else's problem to those questions really come back to the farm driveway. That shift in perspective is really important when we look at those questions.
Dahl suggests, if farmers aren't able to answer consumers questions in a transparent way and provide assurance that food is produced responsibly then consumers are going to demand governments impose regulations so those questions need to be answered before those regulations come into place.
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