- Dr. Shelley Hoover – University of Lethbridge: Insect Pollinators
- Jennifer Otani – Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Beaverlodge: Insect Management
- Dr. Stephen Strelkov – University of Alberta: Diseases (clubroot)
- Dr. Kelly Turkington – Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Lacombe: Diseases
Following these updates, Canola Council of Canada’s Communications Manager, Jay Whetter, hosted an interactive panel to bring forward the questions and challenges of the canola industry in the Peace Region, and merge them with scientific considerations, ideas, and solutions.
The research symposium ended with an activity to help farmers and industry members cast their vote on what research topics are of importance to them.
“An important aspect of the Research Symposium is recognizing that there are unlimited challenges but not unlimited funding”, says Alan Hampton, Alberta Canola director and Research Committee Chair.
Alberta Canola has a $1,000,000 budget to commit towards new research annually, a number that only goes so far with so many different production challenges needing research. Participants were each given $5,000 in ‘Symposium Bucks’ to spend on their top research priorities and needs. This exercise not only allowed participants to voice their research priorities, but also experience the challenges of splitting finite funding resources between a myriad of important research areas. Farmers and industry participants were given different labelled bucks to identify the needs of each grouping separately.
Unveiling Canola Farmers’ Research Priorities for the Peace Region
The results from the Grande Prairie symposium indicated the Peace River region farmer’s top three research priorities as abiotic stresses, diseases, and fertility & nutrient management. These results are essential for our Research Committee, as the committee considers the needs of growers when selecting new research projects to fund each year.
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