At 330,399 tonnes, projected chickpea production is up almost 108% from last year’s output of 159,100 tonnes. Harvested area is expected up 48.5% to 467,400, with the average yield increasing to 1,558 lbs/acre from 1,115 lbs in 2023.
The 2024 mustard crop is pegged at 191,000 tonnes, a nearly 12% increase from 2023’s 170,710. Harvested area is expected lower, down to 586,700 acres from 619,300 last year, but the average yield more than offsets that decline, rising 18% to 718 lbs/acre.
Flax output is seen 10% higher on the year at 300,128 tonnes, as a decline in harvested area – down to 483,800 acres from 589,400 in 2023 – is offset by a 6.2 bu improvement in the average yield to 24.4 bu/acre.
On the other hand, sunflower output is forecast sharply lower, down 60.3% to 36,686 tonnes. Harvested area is projected to fall to 43,600 acres versus 98,200 last year, while the average yield is seen falling to 1,860 lbs/acre from 2,1076 in 2023.
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