The 2024 western region hard red spring wheat crop offers high grades, sound kernels, and high average protein content. Functional performance shows strong dough properties with slightly lower absorption. Baking properties are good with average bake absorption, but slightly lower loaf volumes. Due to the late season hot, dry conditions, this crop includes a wider range of yields, protein levels and kernel size. Overall, this is a highly functional crop.
Gulf/Lakes Exportable Crop Overview
The 2024 eastern HRS crop offers a high grade profile and many positive attributes. With some record yields, protein is lower than average. Overall average DON levels and lower falling numbers are not significant. Dough properties and absorption are lower with better performance in higher protein segments. Overall, this crop offers good performance attributes.
Following are initial details about the hard red spring crop that U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) will share in the 2024 U.S. Wheat Crop Quality Report and Seminars. As always, USW recommends careful consideration of the new crop quality attributes to receive the highest value possible.
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