The field day will be held on-site at the farm, at 45249 170th Ave., Chariton.
“Our goal is to show people how this new equipment works and allow them some time to interact and ask questions of people who understand the machines and their settings,” said Clarabell Probasco, field agronomist with ISU Extension and Outreach.
Probasco said the event will appeal to everyone from acreage owners to full-time farmers – and offers a realistic view of how modern haymaking equipment works.
“I am hoping the demonstrations and interactions will help to kickstart some relationships among farmers and equipment suppliers, and help solve some of the problems our producers are experiencing,” she said.
Chris Clark, a beef specialist with ISU Extension and Outreach, said hay quality is a critical factor for livestock production. He hopes the event will help farmers improve their hay quality and harvest efficiency.
“Livestock farmers depend on quality hay, so we are hoping people will learn some ways to improve their hay production and harvesting techniques,” said Clark. “Our new forage specialist – Shelby Gruss – will discuss ways to optimize forage production, including species selection and fertilization, and we will have other specialists on hand who can answer questions related to cattle feeding and computerized feeding equipment.”
The day will begin with demonstration sessions starting at 10 a.m. and running through 5 p.m.
Participating equipment dealerships are Belzer Equipment Inc., Brian’s Farm Supply, Rueter’s Equipment, Van Wall Equipment and Vetter Equipment.
A free lunch will be provided, prepared by the Lucas County Cattlemen. Pre-registration for the event is not required but is strongly encouraged. On-site registration the day of the event will also be available. If the case of inclement weather on June 6, organizers have planned a rain date of June 11.
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