Harvesting Garlic From Your Georgia Garden

Jun 11, 2015
If you planted your garlic in the fall it is probably about harvest time for you.  Here are 5 easy steps for a successful harvest:
Carefully dig out the garlic bulbs!
Carefully dig out the garlic bulbs!
Step #1 Harvest at the right time.  Look for the garlic tops to start turning yellow.  When they start to fall over it is time to harvest.  Don’t wait until the tops are totally dry.
Step #2  Discontinue watering a week or so before harvesting to give the garlic bulbs a chance to dry out.
Harvesting Garlic 3
Step #3 Don’t pull the bulbs out by the tops (leaves) but gently dig them out using a garden fork.  Be very careful not to puncture the bulbs.
Step #4 Brush off the soil and let them air dry in a shady, dry spot for a couple of
weeks. Many gardeners use the leaves  to hang the garlic up to dry.  Stay away from humidity.  Hard to do in a Georgia summer, I know.
After the garlic has dried cut off the roots and leaves.
After the garlic has dried cut off the roots and leaves.
Step #5  Once the bulbs are dry remove the leaves and trim off any roots.  Brush off any dirt, keeping the wrappers in tact.
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