Harvest Yields Looking Good

Sep 18, 2014

There has been some good harvest progress made over the past seven days.

Pam de Rocquigny, cereal specialist with Manitoba Agriculture, Food, and Rural Development, notes yields have been good so far. She says spring wheat is ranging anywhere from 40-65 bu/acre, oats is in the range of 80-140 bu/acre, while canola has been more variable with the average in the 40-50 bu/acre range.

De Rocquigny says quality has also been variable.

"The really early harvested cereal crops we've been hearing good quality," she said. "It's those cereal crops that were harvested after all these rains started that we're hearing some downgrading due to either mildew or weathering or something like that."

She notes there were some areas of the province that were hit by frost, with the coldest temperatures being experienced in western areas of the central region. It was reported that Pilot Mound got down to about -3 Celsius, which is a killing frost for most crops.

De Rocquigny adds that due to the delayed harvest, winter wheat seeding remains behind schedule. The Agriinsurance deadline for winter wheat is September 20.

Source: SteinbachOnline

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