Harvest Operations Have Begun in Parts of the Province

Aug 08, 2016

Harvest operations are just starting to get underway in some parts of the Province.

Daphne Cruise is a Regional Crop Specialist with Saskatchewan’s Ministry of Agriculture.

Cruise says combines have just started to roll in Saskatchewan.

"Harvest operations have begun in parts of the province particularly in the south regions. We are getting indication that combines are rolling on peas, early seeded lentils and the fall cereals so winter wheat and fall rye. There are a few reports of some canola being swathed at this time"

She says some farmers have started swathing canola and combining winter cereals, peas and lentils.

"The winter wheat and the fall rye they have got some pretty good progress in the south east regions. Kipling, Radville, Frobisher those areas have been combining winter wheat and some peas. When we move more towards the south west, Gull Lake combines are in the field as well as in the consul area."




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