Harvest activities are quickly wrapping up in the province

Oct 10, 2022

Provincially, 90 per cent of the crop is in the bin.

That's up from 81 per cent last week, and well ahead of the five-year average of 82 per cent. 

Crops Extension Specialist Matt Struthers says another week to ten days of good weather and everything should be complete. 

Harvest is virtually complete in the southwest and west-central regions other than a few flax fields, which will likely occur after the next killing frost. 

Farmers in the northwest have 94 per cent of the crop in, 87 per cent is done in the northeast, 86 per cent in the southeast, and 81 per cent in the east central part of the province. 

Heavy fog and dew in the mornings are pushing harvest activities into the afternoon.

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