GROWMARK supports Hurricane Harvey relief efforts

GROWMARK supports Hurricane Harvey relief efforts
Sep 07, 2017

GROWMARK donated $50,000 to support relief efforts following Hurricane Harvey. The donation is being made to the Midwest Food Bank, a Salvation Army First Responder organization. Midwest Food Bank has already sent four semis full of thousands of disaster relief boxes and hygiene kits to the affected areas. GROWMARK’s donation will enable the Midwest Food Bank and the Salvation Army to continue their important mission for as long as there is a need.
“Concern for community is one of the core principles of our cooperative business model,” said GROWMARK CEO Jim Spradlin. “Members and employees of the GROWMARK System exhibit that principle every day through their actions but sometimes, like in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, it’s important to demonstrate that commitment through financial resources as well.”
This contribution is being made through The GROWMARK Foundation, GROWMARK’s philanthropic arm which supports not-for-profit charitable organizations. In addtion, employees throughout the GROWMARK System continue to individually support relief efforts.
“Every day I’m proud to be a part of our System but never more so than when we come together to honor our principles and help those in need,” added Spradlin.

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