Rick Klevze GROWMARK FS |
Rick Klevze is the location manager at the GROWMARK FS Bloomsbury, New Jersey location. He has over 35 years of experience and has been a Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) since 1994.
“The 4R approach is a sensible way to balance environmental concerns with the economic needs of the farmer,” said Klevze. “It uses sustainable agronomic practices learned from 2,000 years of agricultural progress to maximize fertilizer efficiency and minimize nutrient losses. It is a concise visual device which communicates to the public that production agriculture cares for our environment, while maximizing food production for an increasingly hungry world. My co-workers and I utilize 4R practices for the benefit of our customers and our community,” he added.
Malcolm Stambaugh – Ag View FS
Malcolm Stambaugh Ag View FS |
Malcolm Stambaugh joined Ag View FS in 2008 and is a crop specialist in Walnut, Illinois. Stambaugh has worked with farmers to be recognized by The Fertilizer Institute’s 4R Advocate Program three years in a row. He also worked with another farmer to win the World Forage Analysis Superbowl at the World Dairy Expo three years in a row and another to win the Pursuit of Maximum Yield contest.
“In concept, a lot of producers are using the 4Rs because they make sense and provide an economic advantage,” said Stambaugh. “As an industry, we need to better tell our story to show consumers and other producers how it works. We are being the best nutrient stewards we can be while protecting the environment for future generations. Our role is to partner with growers to establish best management practices. A grower’s willingness to push the envelope is only tempered by our requirements to increase yield, do it profitably for the grower, and have an environmentally neutral impact. This expands well beyond product-related decisions,” he added.
Chris Snip – AGRIS Co-operative
Chris Snip AGRIS Co-operative |
Chris Snip is a Certified Crop Advisor and has worked at AGRIS Co-operative, based in Ontario, Canada, for 16 years. He is also an active member of Delta Waterfowl, The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, and a board member of the local Soils and Crop Association.
“I started really showing appreciation for the 4R approach after I witnessed a large algae bloom in the western basin of Lake Erie in the fall of 2011,” said Snip. “I live on a tributary of Lake Erie. Across the road from the lake, my family and I spend a lot of time in and on the water and consuming fish from the lake. I hated to see the lake that way. I felt I could play an important role in reducing nutrient loss from agricultural lands in my trade area. I work with growers individually to help them come up with ways that can reduce nutrient losses on their farm operation that work with their cropping practices and equipment capabilities while maximizing nutrient utilization and profitability,” he added.
Jason Wesslund – Heritage FS
Jason Wesslund Heritage FS |
Jason Wesslund is the area manager for the eastern half of the Heritage FS territory based in Gilman, Illinois. He supervises four agronomy locations and four energy territories. Wesslund also leads education and training of sustainable best management practices at Heritage FS. He serves on the board of directors at the Illinois Fertilizer and Chemical Association.
“I use the 4R approach to make recommendations because it fits into what many of us have already been doing,” said Wesslund. “The biggest change has been how we approach nitrogen applications from using learning tools like N-WATCH. We have adapted our recommendations from one trip of nitrogen to two and three trips per season. If we don’t promote better practices to our growers, we will be told what practices to use and we all know that isn’t the answer to a sustainable future in agriculture,” he added.
GROWMARK is an agricultural cooperative with annual sales of $8.8 billion (FY 2015 data) providing agronomy, energy, facility planning, and logistics products and services, as well as grain marketing and risk management services in more than 40 states and Ontario, Canada. GROWMARK owns the FS trademark and offers the nitrogen inventory tracking program N-WATCH, which is used by affiliated member cooperatives. More information is available atwww.growmark.com and www.fssystem.com.
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