Group Sow Housing Workshops

Jul 14, 2014

The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food (OMAF) and the Ministry of Rural Affairs (MRA), with help from Ontario Pork and the Prairie Swine Centre, are organizing group sow housing workshops for early September, at the Festival Inn in Stratford. The workshop will be repeated on two consecutive days, so you have the choice of either September 2nd or September 3rd, from about 9:30 to 4pm. Cost is $50, and includes workshop manual, lunch, and coffee breaks.

The purpose of the workshops is “To build producers’ awareness and knowledge of the requirements and options for group sow housing. These will be based on the new Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Pigs released this past March.”

The workshops will feature three Ontario producers describing their experiences transitioning to group sow housing systems. Hear their challenges and opportunities and gain practical advice you can apply on your farm.

To discuss the advantages and disadvantages of group sow housing systems, Dr. Jennifer Brown and Dr. Yolande Seddon, both Prairie Swine Centre Group Sow Housing Researchers, will discuss the merits of different systems.

Dr. Kees de Lange, from the University of Guelph, will talk on feeding sows in group housing.

A key objective of the workshop is to stimulate discussion among the presenters and those attending. Everyone’s operation is different, so novel and creative approaches to managing a change in practices is essential for success.

You can register by calling the Clinton OMAF/MRA office at 519-482-3333 or by email to  Space is limited and pre-registration is required by August 26th.  If you would like more information about the workshops, contact Doug Richards at 519-482-3133 or

Source: OntarioPork

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