Grazing Management in Dry Years

Feb 22, 2016
An upcoming seminar will be addressing some keys to grazing management, especially in dry years. Sean McGrath, rancher and consultant southeast of Vermilion, says that is just one of the topics being discussed at this Thursday’s Beef Information Seminar: Planning for 2016 seminar.
“It’s about providing producers with tools to look at different ways to manage grass including pasture productivity and recovery, pasture monitoring, and strategies to manage drought situations,” he says.
McGrath says one of the key things producers should keep in mind during dry conditions is preparation. “It’s extremely important to prepare for those dry conditions when it starts raining, making sure that you’re managing ahead of time so you’ve got that forage resource available when and if the taps turn off,” he says.
Other topics like trigger dates, dates where a certain amount of rainfall event or plant growth hasn’t reached a certain stage, give producers an idea if they should start trimming their herd are on the agenda. Other strategies being discussed will be on different feed sources and different ways and places to graze that might not be a regular consideration.
He says going through season’s like the last one only help in be better prepared for any future similar occurrences.
“We can’t forget about that when it’s raining. In a regular year, when you combine a feed test with a bit of creativity, a producer can reduce their feeding costs. In a year of dry conditions it can save your business,” he says.
Source : Agriculture and Forestry