The CEO of Farm Health Guardian says the use of GPS technology to track swine transport trailer movement is allowing near real time response to breaches in biosecurity protocols.
Farm Health Guardian in cooperation with the Saskatchewan Pork Development Board and the Canadian Agri-food Automation and Intelligence Network assessed the performance of various GPS tracking devices under real world conditions in rural Saskatchewan.Farm Health Guardian CEO Rob Hannam says producers are aware of the importance of transport biosecurity, knowing where their vehicles are, where they've been and that biosecurity protocols are being followed.
Quote-Rob Hannam-Farm Health Guardian:
We went into the project thinking this is great if there's a disease investigation.If we have a disease outbreak the vets can respond much quicker with digital data that's combined into a platform they can use.But what we learned was it can be used proactively as well and actually alert people if the biosecurity protocols aren't followed even if there isn't an outbreak.