Wildlife predation of livestock is a significant problem for Manitoba producers, with over 2,000 livestock lost each year. The Livestock Predation Prevention Program provides two funding streams for producers:
- Pre-approved Livestock Predation Prevention Equipment and Guardian Dogs will allow eligible applicants to purchase solar foxlights, electronet, fladry and livestock guardian dogs.
- Predator-Resistant Fence Construction will allow eligible applicants to apply for funding to support construction of eligible fencing that deters predators from entering calving and lambing areas, pastures, extended grazing areas and deadstock compost sites.
Livestock producers that had a paid livestock predation claim under the Manitoba Wildlife Damage Compensation Program from 2021 or later are eligible to apply for the Livestock Predation Prevention Program. Eligible applicants can be reimbursed up to 75 per cent of total eligible expenses to a maximum of $5,000 for pre-approved equipment and guardian dogs, and $10,000 for fence construction.
In 2020, Manitoba launched the Livestock Predation Prevention Pilot Project, led by Manitoba Beef Producers (MBP) in partnership with Manitoba Agriculture and the Manitoba Sheep Association (MSA). Over 100 projects were completed on 48 farms across the province under this pilot. The Livestock Predation Prevention Program builds on the success of the pilot.
“Manitoba Beef Producers welcomes this valuable commitment to cost-shared funding for practices aimed at reducing the risk of predation and encourages eligible producers to explore the two programs,” said Matthew Atkinson, president, MBP. “MBP appreciates the engagement with the province on the development of strategies to help reduce livestock predation and the negative effects it has on our sector.”
Manitoba’s Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources department will also be increasing funding for the Manitoba Targeted Predator Removal Program by $90,000, for a total funding commitment of $150,000. This funding will allow the program greater flexibility in addressing livestock predation concerns.
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