Sherbrooke, Québec – Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
The growth of Canada’s wine sector is a major success story, providing business opportunities for grape growers and wine makers, while contributing to the economic vitality of rural communities. The Government of Canada is building on this success to ensure the wine sector continues to thrive. Today, the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, announced details of a new two-year, up to $166-million Wine Sector Support Program that will provide wineries with the tools they need to stay innovative and competitive, in order to capitalize on new opportunities.
To help strengthen the future of the wine sector, the Government of Canada has worked in consultation with industry stakeholders to develop a program that would help Canadian wineries face emerging challenges in the short term.
All licensed wineries in Canada that produce or contract out the production of bulk wine from primary agricultural products, such as grapes, berries, other fruit, dandelions, rice and sap, will be eligible for support under the program. Support will be provided in the form of a grant based on the production of bulk wine fermented in Canada from domestic and/or imported primary agricultural products in the previous year. Individual payments will be dependent on the total litres of eligible wine submitted to the program and individual applicants’ total eligible wine production.