Among the sessions during first day of the three-day gathering will be an event hosted by the US Department of State focusing on its Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils (VACS), aimed at creating a resilient food system through the promotion of diverse, nutritious, and climate-adapted crops grown in healthy, fertile soils.
Under the VACS initiative, FAO is implementing the Soil Mapping for Resilient Agrifood Systems (SoilFER) project in Central America and African countries. The project stands out as a unique framework aimed at unearthing valuable information from soils to guide policymaking and fertilizer recommendations both at national and field scale.
Thailand’s Land Development Department and World Soil Day Association will host an event showcasing success stories of Thailand and other countries through policy actions promoting sustainable soil management practices that are context-specific, locally adapted and culturally suitable.
Other topics include Measuring, Reporting and Verifying systems related to soil health; implementing a Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN) quality certificate for carbon analytical results on soil samples; Conservation Agriculture, the management of Water and Soil Organic Carbon against soil erosion and for food security and the role of healthy soils in agrifood systems transformation.
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