1. One Health must mean investment in animal health
The new G20 joint Finance-Health Taskforce has committed to the One Health approach at global, national and local levels. This includes working on ways to establish a financing facility for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.
But to effectively implement One Health, governments must consult their ministries of agriculture and environment, as well as the animal health sector. The financing facility needs to include funding for stronger animal health systems to truly prevent and respond to zoonotic diseases and infections.
2. Better data and veterinary professionals key to disease surveillance
The G20 has committed to enhancing global surveillance, early detection and early warning systems under the coordination of UN bodies.
Disease surveillance is only as strong as the data and information monitored. The G20 needs to address the capacity gaps in the veterinary workforce for stronger data and truly effective surveillance systems. Animal owners and farmers must be encouraged to report disease by being compensated should their animals be culled as part of disease control strategies.
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