Fruit coverage: Now offering more

Jan 09, 2017

Ontario fruit producers will now have more coverage options, a move that recognizes that tree and vine health is vital to a producer's business.

New plan enhancements include:

First-time coverage for tender fruit trees

Additional coverage for apple trees and grape vines

The ability to insure trees and vines in the year following planting

Agricorp worked closely with industry stakeholders to provide a wider range of coverage options, offering greater peace of mind and ensuring that all growers enrolled in the tree fruit and grape plans are able to protect their trees and vines.

Tree and vine coverage included

The new choices for tree and vine coverage allow customers to customize their coverage to better fit their operations. When producers enrol in Production Insurance for their fruit crops, standard coverage for trees and vines is included, at no cost to them. The governments pay the standard coverage premiums on the producer's behalf.

If a customer wants more coverage for trees and vines, they can purchase additional coverage and will only pay 40 per cent of the premium for the additional coverage portion. 

Consider Production Insurance for risk management

With harvest completed and a new growing season to plan for, producers may be asking themselves what risks their farms face this year, and if their current risk management plans are enough to cover unavoidable yield, quality and tree or vine loss. Producers should consider making Production Insurance a part of their risk management plans. The program continues to be a dependable risk management tool that is stable, relevant and customizable to business needs

Source: Agricrop

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